
BURGUNDY – Aligoté

The colour is a beautiful straw yellow. The wine develops a fruity and greedy bouquet of honey, white flowers, almond and apricot.

Vintage Clear
SKU: N/A Category:

Additional information


Grape variety: Aligoté
Age of the vine: 45 years
Soil: clay-limestone

The first plot is located in Aluze, facing east and the second in Couches, facing south


After mechanical harvesting, the grapes are de-stemmed and pneumatically pressed. The wine is then put into vats with a strict control of the temperature (around 16 – 17°C).

Wine aging

One part is aged in vats and the other one is aged in oak barrels during several months


Our Aligoté is perfect for an aperitif thanks to its freshness and tonicity. It is also perfect for summer meals with salads or a cold fish terrine.


Between 2 and 3 years

Operating Temperature

Between 6°C and 8°C

Our advice

It is better to drink it quickly in order to enjoy the freshness of the fruit!


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